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I've already updated Ansible for DevOps over 22 times since 2014, and am proud to keep it an extremely relevant learning resource for Ansible.)  以Ansible为主题的一本学习类书籍,Ansible权威指南pdf免费版中涵盖Ansible基础、高级技法与定制化扩展展、7个实战企业案例,以及Web自动化开发,解决入门  作者Lorin Hochstein示范了如何编写playbook(Ansible中的配置管理脚本),如何 对于DevOps,我自己的理解是运维即开发,人管理代码,代码管理机器,而  Ansible for DevOps examples. 大西洋月刊、新闻周刊、哈佛商业评论、国家地理等英语杂志免费下载、订阅(kindle推送),支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新. 从字面上看,“DevOps”一词是由Development(开发)和Operations (运维)组合而成,但所代表的理念和实践要 免费下载DevOps 领域的企业自动化检查清单 

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Leverage the power of Ansible 2 and related tools and scale DevOps processes About This Book Learn how to use Ansible playbooks along with YAML and JINJA to create efficient DevOps solutions Use Ansible to provision and automate Docker containers and images Learn the fundamentals of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery and how to leverage Ansible to implement these modern DevOps Ansible for DevOps is updated frequently! On LeanPub, updates are published within minutes, and you get free updates to the text forever! If you purchase the book in the Kindle or iBooks format, the text is updated quarterly, but it's harder to update the text from Amazon or the iBooks Store.


Ansible for devops pdf免费下载

Five years, 834 commits, and 24 major revisions later, I've just published the 2nd edition of Ansible for DevOps, a book which has now sold over 60,000 copies and spawned a popular free Ansible 101 video series on YouTube.. Making good on my promise to make the ebook updates free, forever, I've published a new revision of the book at least once a quarter since I published the first revision Ansible for Devops is a collection of explained examples of playbooks by the author. In the process he explains the workings of ansible and how it connects with other tools. A fan of Ansible myself, I knew most of what was written already but learned some new things as well.

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Red Hat Ansible. Ansible is an open source community project sponsored by Red Hat, it's the simplest way to automate IT. Ansible is the only automation language that can be used across entire IT teams from systems and network administrators to developers and managers. About Us Our Story Press Center Careers devops-101-workshop-go-developers-源码,讲习班:DevOps101课程说明当您不熟悉某个行业时,会遇到很多新概念。这可能会使您很难在陌生的环境下站稳脚跟,尤其是对于初级工程师而言。

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